Lee Anne Smith
Oil, watercolor, mixed media / still life, landscape, abstract, figures
“Painting is the grandchild of nature. It is related to God.” Rembrandt
About the Artist
Lee Anne Smith, a native of Huntsville, Alabama, is an impressionist oil painter. For as long as she can remember, she has had a passion for creating and admiring God’s beauty, saying, “The more I look, the more I see it, and His glory is revealed to me more and more each day.” Life events have shaped Lee Anne’s art career: after a major milestone birthday and with empty nesting on the horizon, she took her first oil painting class, a gift from her husband. Later, in 2017, she was selected as the featured artist for the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run benefiting Huntsville Hospital’s Breast Center. The honor was especially meaningful to Lee Anne because it coincided with the 10th anniversary of her personal breast cancer survival journey.
Lee Anne especially loves painting light and says that knowing that God is the “Father of Light,” she strives to capture light each time she paints. She often includes “hidden gifts” in her paintings—a Bible verse, something spiritual, a stroke of pink, or her niece’s initials, MPB, to honor and keep her memory alive—in an effort to help viewers of her work to “see the light” and most importantly, to give them hope.
Artist Statement
“Early in my art career, I fell in love with the soft, loose brushwork that can be achieved with oil painting. I have immersed myself in the medium through various lessons, workshops, and painting groups, and I strive to learn all that I can about value, color, and light. High key color palettes are my favorite. A current painting interest is interiors, which speaks to my love for interior design; and I’m also enjoying the opportunity to paint scenes from travels with my husband.”
Lee Anne’s work has been featured with the Act II painting group at the Huntsville Botanical Garden, and she has participated as a contributing artist in the Huntsville Museum of Art Gala for several years.
Click here to inquire about artwork or to purchase a Lee Anne Smith painting.
* There is a charge for shipping outside of the North Alabama region.